Bodybuilding, 2019
Book design for a book that examines
the use of live performance by architects.
edited by Charles Aubin
and Carlos Mínguez Carrasco
published by Performa
Book design for a book that examines
the use of live performance by architects.
edited by Charles Aubin
and Carlos Mínguez Carrasco
published by Performa
for Performa
Design assistance by Phoebe Kerr

The cover design shows the flirtation between performance and architecture through a typographic entanglement expressing how two ways of seeing can intersect in unexpected ways without the integrity of each individual part.
The exaggurated scale of the book (9.5x14in) makes it difficult to fit on a standard sized shelf, especially in book stores and University libraries, performatively calling attention to itself as an object (see apple for scale).

The book is punctuated by “interstitial” pages, used between essays, interviews and case studies to create rhythm in the narrative flow. These pages foreshadow content in the coming section with large scale halftone imagery, dually designed to create a moment of pause and to recalibrate the eye before moving to the next section.